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  • I ordered XY-3SE 3D Printer on Kickstarter, when will I receive the product?"
    1. If you haven't already, please complete your shipping info and pay the shipping fee here. 2. We've finished first batch production. We need your plug-type preference and shipping info to complete packaging and arrange shipment.First batch shipment will start in early April after we receive your shipping info. 3. We'll email you the tracking number once we have it from the carrier. It might take two weeks before your package reach the local transition center so that we can have the tracking.
  • I paid shipping fee on your website, when can I get the tracking info?"
    We'll email you the tracking number once we have it from the carrier. It might take two weeks before your package reach the local transition center so that we can have the tracking.
  • Why I need to pay shipping fee separately?
    As the shipment fees have been fluctuating during the pandemic, we have to calcualte it upon shipment. That's why we need to separate the shipping fee and pledge on Kickstarter. Now while Kickstarter campaign is ended, we moved to our website where you can make payment for shipping fee. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We had an estimated shipping fee on Kickstarter page based on shipping region. However we mentioned that there might be a $10 +/- depend on the actual fees. The shipping fee we charge now is based on recent caculation.


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